
May 17, 2019

Workshop: Futile Gestures

A Soviet-era monument to the WW2 soldiers at Donskoe cemetery

May 17th, 2019

School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh

Instead of rooting for a comprehensive definition of futility, this workshop offers a space for comparative analysis and theorizing, from different perspectives, if allegedly futile, unnecessary, worthless and quixotic actions might point toward an alternative reading of the political per se. A bit of a university challenge thingy where Scottish Universities meet Cambridge, the workshop has an open structure with a chance to present work-in-progress and plenty of time to discuss, debate and ask questions. Participants included: Galina Stjepanovic, Matei Candea, Mathias Thaler, Maya Mayblin, Mihaela Mihai, Natalie Morningside, Tobias Kelly and Vita Peacock.